Are you concerned with your safety living in South Korea?
People always have questions and worries with regards to safety in South Korea or regards to safety when teaching for a year in South Korea.
How safe is living in South Korea?
Special guest Saber Lane joins the podcast to discuss with Scott, Adam, and Marco each of their concerns before moving to South Korea, how safe they each feel living in Korea, living next door to North Korea, precautions they take living here, and some unsafe issues they’ve each experienced while living here.
It’s all about SAFETY in Korea on this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
Adam remembers his concerns with moving to South Korea before he first came to Korea based on his brother’s advice.
Marco gives his thoughts on any worries he had before moving to South Korea.
Saber gives her concerns with regards to moving to South Korea before moving here and her family concerns as well.
Scott gives a story regarding a murder in South Korea that he heard about before moving to South Korea and some of his concerns before moving here.
Adam talks about his family concerns with North Korea.
Saber gives her concerns with North Korea along with the rest of the hosts, including Marco’s trip to the DMZ and only being worried about North Korea when South Koreans seemed worried.
Scott talks about all the North Korea events that have gone and passed while he has lived in South Korea.
Is North Korea the biggest safety concern with us and foreigners in general.
Everyone talks about the honor system in Korea.
Scott gives a story with regards to his first trip to a police station in South Korea and why!
Scott gives another story about his house being broken into and having items being taken from his home..
Saber expresses some of her concerns or worries regarding safety walking around in the streets or heading home at night and being confused as a Russian escort.
Saber talks about taking taxis late at night, if she is ever worried about taxi drivers, and her experiences in night clubs and booking.
Adam brings up CCTV in Korea, how it’s everywhere and how it makes things safer.
Marco gives his thoughts on if South Korea is safer than his home back in the United States.
Saber lets us know if she feels safer in Korea than back home in Texas, USA..
Both Adam and Scott sum up if they feel safer in South Korea compared to Canada.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
There are some STRANGE THINGS you can find in South Korea!
There are a lot of things that you can only find in South Korea! Some of them are cool, some bad, somethings we like, some we don’t, and some are just plain strange!
Scott, Adam, Marco, and Paul talk about some of the strangest things they have seen over their years in South Korea. They also talk about the Facebook group ‘OINK’ (Only In Korea), and some of the more recent events which happened regarding this Facebook group. They also look at some of the things you would only find here in Korea, and which of these things would work back in their own countries, and which of them wouldn’t.
It’s all about STRANGE THINGS in Korea on this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
A strange thing Paul has seen in Korea since he arrived here in 2003.
Sleeping people in suits on the streets.
Adam talks about some of the strange food items that you can find here in South Korea.
Marco talks about a strange thing here he has seen and drinking in public.
One of the strangest things Scott found it hard to get adjusted to when he came to Korea.
The guys talk about ‘OinK’, Only in Korea. The Facebook group that was recently shutdown.
Funny t-shirts that you might see in South Korea.
Some of the reasons we think the ‘OinK’ Facebook group might have been shut down or suspended.
Should social media like Facebook have the right to shutdown groups on their social platforms.
Paul gives a story of someone saying something negative regarding South Korea and that person being deported.
Scott talks about one of the things that he loves here in South Korea that he hadn’t seen anywhere else before.
Adam and Marco give a couple other things they loves in South Korea.
Some of the things that we like in South Korea that just wouldn’t work back in our home countries.
Scott sums up all the things that were covered in this episode.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
How have teaching English techniques changed in South Korea and what direction are they going in?
The ways of teaching and learning English are always changing and evolving. What are some of the best new ways and what hasn’t changed?
What is the future for learning and teaching English in South Korea?
Special guest Craig Nicol stops by to discuss with Scott, Adam, and Marco some of their best and worst methods for teaching English, how teaching English has changed over the years, and how technology, for better or worse, is being applied in classrooms. Craig also talks about a new program he is involved with call Chasing Time English.
It’s all about teaching and learning English on this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
Scott welcomes Craig Nicol to the show and gets some of his background and connection with Changwon City and South Korea.
Craig goes over where he is originally from and the reasons he first came to South Korea.
The different degrees and certificates you use to need and do now to get a teaching job in South Korea.
Some of the things that have changed regarding teaching methods that each of us have noticed over our years of teaching English in Korea.
Craig talks about teaching in different places and back home in New Zealand and the differences with EFL and ESL.
Students having cell phones in classes and how each of us deal with the use of cell phone in the class.
Technology and how it’s changed in the classroom and what technology we all use now.
Craig gets into what he is involved with now and Chasing Time English and what Chasing Time English is all about.
The reasons why Craig became a part of Chasing Time English and some of the others he works with at Chasing Time English.
How Chasing Time English comes up with their stories for their learning videos used in their courses.
Is Chasing Time English for use in the classroom or good for self-study at home?
Where is Chasing Time English available and how do you get it?
The different levels available for using Chasing Time English, the age ranges it’s geared towards, and what levels would suit you best.
Chasing Time English feedback, award nominations, and how the program has progressed.
Craig’s role in Chasing Time English and what it is exactly that he does.
Scott sums up what was covered in this episode, how to get involved with Chasing Time English and thanks guest Craig Nicol for stopping by.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
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We always appreciate your support and are thankful to all our listeners out there!
What kind of healthcare will you get with your job if you’re coming to work in South Korea?
South Korea has both National healthcare and private healthcare. Which are you most likely to get with a teaching job and which will work best for you? Scott, Marco, and Adam talk about the different healthcare insurance each of them has, the coverage you get, the costs, and some of their very own experiences with trips to the doctor or hospitals in Korea! It’s all about healthcare in South Korea on this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
Adam tell use what coverage he has working in a public school in South Korea.
Marco isn’t sure what healthcare coverage he has but explains what he knows he’s covered by.
Scott talks about private healthcare, what he is covered by, the costs, and the differences with private healthcare and national healthcare.
The costs of visiting a doctor without healthcare insurance.
Adam talks about some of the times he has had to use his national healthcare insurance and Korean medicine.
The types of medication you get in South Korea and what you can expect with a visit to your local doctor.
Marco talks about his trips to the doctor and how he has needed his healthcare insurance.
Scott explains how medication is so cheap and why he didn’t have healthcare for many years and why he doesn’t really use it now.
The reasons you may want healthcare and why you will get sick as an English teacher in South Korea.
English speaking doctors and what to do for the language barriers when visiting a doctor or hospital.
Scott gives a story about one of the times he was misdiagnosed due to mistranslation.
Each of the hosts compares healthcare to their home countries of Canada and USA.
Some stories of what to watch out for when visiting a family doctor in South Korea, or at least from the past!
Adam gives a personal experience of a visit to the hospital that he had.
What you can expect with regards to your health checkup that you have to get when first coming to South Korea to get your working visa.
Scott sums up his thoughts on healthcare in South Korea.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
Teaching different age ranges English in South Korea! What will work best for you?
There is a wide range of ages you can end up teaching English to working as an English teacher in South Korea. What age range will work best for you? Scott, Marco, and Adam discuss teaching children to adults and which ages they prefer, which ages are the most difficult to teach, which ages learn the quickest, and which age range will be best for you.
It’s a podcast of different student ages in South Korea for this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
Marco tells us the current age ranges that he teaches now.
Adam lets us know the age ranges he currently is teaching.
The current age ranges that Scott is teaching now.
Adam gives his views on what it is like teaching elementary school students and younger children English with the use of songs and games.
Marco gives his opinions on teaching younger kids English, more advanced English, and the frustrations that can come with it.
Scott gives his views from over the years of teaching kids English from kindergarten to middle school students.
Each of the hosts talk about their class sizes and the different between class sizes in a public school compared to private schools.
Each host gives their experiences with teaching adults in South Korea and how it’s different from younger students.
Marco gives some advice on teaching kids and what he means with regards to being ‘Scary Teacher’.
Adam talks about the age range that he prefers to teach and his thoughts on having a co-teacher with him in his classes.
Scott gives the age range he prefers to teach and how he covers up making mistakes as a teacher in class.
Adam gives some advice on how to improve grammar for adult students.
Scott sums up the differences of teaching different age ranges and what might work best for you.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
Living conditions, housing, and what you can expect when coming to South Korea!
Big cities to small cities in South Korea and the different types of housing you find in South Korea. Scott, Marco, and Adam talk about the differences between big cities and smaller cities in South Korea, the different kinds of housing you can expect while living in Korea, and each of their own experiences they each have had with regards to their own housing and areas that they have lived in.
It’s a podcast of living conditions in South Korea for this episode of K-PoD!
Show Notes
Big cities vs small cities: Where does Changwon City fall on that scale.
Big Cities: Marco shares some of his experiences with visiting Seoul, South Korea.
Big Cities: Adam gives some of the differences with big cities compared to smaller cities and what can you expect with living in a big city.
Big Cities: Marco and Scott give some thoughts on big cities with comparison to cities back home in their own countries.
Are the foreign communities closer in the smaller the city you live in?
Big City: Adam compares Busan to Changwon, South Korea.
The different types of housing in Korea and what you can expect with your job when coming to South Korea.
The guys talk about houses, villas, and apartments in South Korea.
Does the neighborhood in your city determine the size of your housing?
Housing allowance vs having your housing provided for you.
Each of the guys talk about their own experiences they have had and the different types of housing we’ve each lived in.
Making your home your home and judging your decisions on they amount of time you think you will be staying in Korea.
Scott tells about his first year in Korea and living in a classroom in his school.
A recap of the topics that we covered in this episode of K-PoD.
Scott is one of the original hosts of K-PoD (formally The Changwoner Podcast) and also the founder and producer of the show. He is also the founder of Changwoner Entertainment. He is from Newfoundland, Canada and has been living in Changwon, South Korea for almost 17 years.
Adam is one of the hosts of K-PoD. He started as a host last season in 2018. Adam is from Ontario, Canada and has lived in Changwon City, South Korea for 8 years.
Paul is one of the original hosts and founders of K-PoD (The Changwoner). Paul is originally from England and he currently continues to live in Changwon City where he has lived for the past 16 years.
If you would like to be a guest on K-PoD: Life In Korea, or have any questions for the show or regarding South Korea, or have something you’d like to promote, please contact us at
K-Pod: Life in Korea will be returning for it’s 5th season on March 4th, 2019.
Some of the topics covered in this season will be Location and Living Conditions in Korea, health care, Teaching and Student Age Ranges, Strange Things in Korea, OINK: Only In Korea and it’s FB group, Why Korea is Different than Home?, The Best and Worst Ways to Teach and Learn English, and more!
New stories, interviews, advice, and guests coming up on season 5!
Be sure to tune in and thanks for all those listeners of the years, new ones, and support^^
Today’s the day to get dressed up and have some fun in Changwon!
It’s an early Halloween here in South Korea.
Here are some of the events going on today and tonight for Halloween 2018 right here in Changwon.
There are always a lot of Halloween costume contests, drink specials, and more going on every year in Changwon, so remember to dress up, make your rounds, and have a fun and safe night!
Costume contest with great prizes and a special effect makeup artist From 9-11pm for those looking to get or add to their costume. Anybody who purchases a drink from Next gets to get a scary makeup.
Starting: 9pm
버닝 (Burning) Korean Movie Trailer Reaction and REVIEW
If you haven’t already, please remember to Subscribe to The Changwoner for more videos from South Korea! ❥Sub here — ❥
버닝 (Burning) is a South Korean movie directed by Lee Chang-Dong (이창동) that had a lot of buzz at the Cannes Film Festival this year.
This movie stars Steven Yeun (스티븐 연) from The Walking Dead, Yoo Ah-In (유아인), and Jun Jong-Seo (전종서) in her first feature film.
This movie is about a young man struggling as a writer who runs into a childhood friend and reacquainted with her. She introduces her friend Ben who introduces the young man to a whole new and strange way of life.
Scott (스캇) from The Changwoner checks out the trailer for버닝 (Burning).
Check out his reactions and review to this movie trailer!
버닝 | Burning | burning Korean movie | 버닝 trailer reaction | 버닝trailer | Burning trailer reaction | Lee Chang-Dong | 이창동 | Steven Yeun | 스티븐 연 | Yoo Ah-In | 유아인 | Jun Jong-Seo | 전종서 | Korean movie trailer reaction| Korean movie | 한국 영화 | 한국 영화 반응 | 버닝 영화 | 영화 예고편 | 영화 예고편 반응 | movie trailer | trailer | glenn walking dead | the walking dead | Korea | walking dead