Yukgaejang (육개장): How To Cook Korean Food (Spicy Beef Soup)
Yukgaejang is a spicy beef soup that is a common Korean dish eaten during the winter months in South Korea. This was a dish recommended for us to cook by one of our youTube subscribers ‘Tiffany E’ which is her favorite Korean dish to eat during the winter. In this episode of Waecookin’, Rachel teaches Paul how to cook yukgaejang and Paul tries to put his western twist on the dish by applying an Italian fusion. What is he going to do? Whose will taste better?
Special guest judge Tiffany Ann Elwess joins this episode to determine which one is the final better tasting dish!
추운 겨울에 특히 많이 찾게되는 뜨끈한 육개장! 이번 애피소드는 특별히 시청자분의 신청으로 준비하게 되었는데요~ 레이첼에게 육개장 만드는 법을 배운 폴은 그만의 특별한 방법으로 이탈리안 트위스트를 주었는데요! 과연 어떻게 만들었을까요? 누구의 것이 더 맛있을까요? 오늘의 특별 게스트로는 바로 육개장 만들기 편을 신청해주신 Tiffany 가 직접 나와서 음식을 평가해주었습니다. 많은 시청 바래요!
Recipe/directions:– https://goo.gl/Aa5xx7
Our Website:– http://waecookin.com/
Our Facebook Page:– https://www.facebook.com/waecookin/
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You can ask questions directly to Rachel or Paul or make any comments or suggestions in our FB Group.
What would you like to see Rachel teach Paul how to cook next?
Let us know in the comments below!
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Show Notes
0:33 – What is yukgaejang?
1:11 – Ingredients for cooking yukgaejang.
2:20 – Step 1: Cut the green onions.
2:53 – Step 2: Add 3 spoons of Perilla oil.
3:30 – Step 3: Turn on low heat and add the green onions (and stir).
4:19 – Step 4: Add 3 spoons of Korean red chili pepper flakes(and stir) .
5:02 – Step 5: Add the beef (and mix).
6:23 – Paul talks about foreigner’s reaction to spicy food.
7:34 – Step 6: Cut 1/2 an onion.
8:06 – Step 7: Cut and add the gosari (fernbrakes).
8:42 – Step 8: Add the cut onions and stir.
9:17 – Step 9: Cut and add the chives/leek (부추 Buchu).
9:45 – Step 10: Add and mix 1 spoon of the crushed garlic and soy sauce.
10:45 – Step 11: Add the bean sprouts.
11:52 – Step 12: Add a little water to reduce saltiness.
12:45 – First taste test of the Yukgaejang.
15:52 – Paul adds an Italian twist to the yukgaejang.
21:15 – Both Rachel and Paul taste test his fusion dish.
23:54 – Guest judge Tiffany joins to taste and judge the dishes.
26:24 – Tiffany makes her final judgement and picks the winner.
34:21 – End show credits.
34:49 – Final message from Rachel and Paul.
Ingredients for Yukgaejang (육개장): (two servings)
– 4 green onions
– 3 spoons of Perilla oil
– 3 spoons of Korean red chili pepper flakes
– 1 lb beef
– 1/2 an onion
– gosari (fernbrakes)
– buchu (chives)
– 1 spoon of the crushed garlic and soy sauce
– salt
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Chef’s Kitchen, Changwon (Location)
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Thank you for watching this video!
Yukgaejang | 육개장 | how to cook yukgaejang | 육개장 요리하는 법 | how to make yukgaejang | 육개장는 법 | how to cook Korean food | 한국 음식 요리법 | dakgaejang | 닭개장 | 고사리 | fernbrakes |고추가루 | Korean red chili pepper flakes | foreigner learns to cook Korean style | foreigner cooks Korean | 외국인이 한국어를 요리하다 | Italian food | 이탈리아 음식 | waecookin | 외쿡인
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