Remnants Of The Fallen(램넌츠 오브 더 폴른)‘Your Dead Heart’ Reaction and REVIEW
R.O.K. Korea
Remnants Of The Fallen(램넌츠 오브 더 폴른)‘Your Dead Heart’ Reaction and REVIEW 🤘🤘🤘
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램넌츠 오브 더 폴른(Remnants Of The Fallen) is a 🤘METAL🤘 band out of South Korea!
This is their song ‘Your Dead Heart’ from their album ‘Shadow Walk’.
Join METAL JAW as he checks out this song on R.O.K. KOREA!
Check out his reactions and review to this R.O.K. SONG!
Link to this song being reviewed:
Remnants Of The Fallen – Your Dead Heart (OFFICIAL VIDEO) ♦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PatgDlahzb4
🤟Check out more from REMNANTS OF THE FALLEN: 🤟
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Remnants Of The Fallen | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른| Your Dead Heart |remnants of the fallen your dead heart | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른your dead heart | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른music | remnants of the fallen reaction | remnants of the fallen your dead heart reaction | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른 reaction | your dead heart reaction | Korean metal | Korean heavy metal | Korean metal music | south korea metal |Korean rock music | south korea rock music | heavy metal | heavy metal music | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른 music video | 램넌츠 오브 더 폴른 MV | remnants of the fallen music video | Korean music | ROK korea | r.o.k. korea | rok korea | metal jaw | Korea | changwoner | | Changwon City | Changwon | 창원
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