HOLLAND ‘I’m So Afraid’ K-Pop Reaction and Review
Holland’s “I’m So Afraid” is his newest music video and this is our reaction and review for it!
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I’m So Afraid is the latest music video by Holland, South Korea’s first openly gay K-Pop artist and LGBTQ representative. Join Marco and Saber as they give their reaction and review to this music video for Holland’s ‘I’m So Afraid’. They also give their final scores on the video based on the k-pop’s overall music appeal, overall choreography, overall video appeal, and overall global appeal. See what their final score is right here!
Leave your comments, thoughts, and scores for this music video down below including scores out of 5 for
1) Song
2) Choreography
3) Video Appeal
4) Global Appeal
These are initial reactions and first time viewings unless stated in the video. All reactions do not involve in depth analysis of the song and lyrics. It is simply first reactions to the four things mentioned above 1) Overall song enjoyment 2) Overall choreography of the MV 3) Overall appeal of the MV, and 4) Global appeal of the MV and song.
The original music video in this reaction and review can be found here:
HOLLAND – I’m So Afraid M/V – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHfBTlbhpiI
HOLLAND (Official YouTube Channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbbuHjMbzBn4fVd1hV77Ddw
Follow Holland here:
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/holland_vvv/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/HOLLAND_vvv
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/hollandofficial/

K-Pop Global
Website — http://kpop.global
Facebook — https://goo.gl/mHWcB5
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Twitter — https://twitter.com/k_pop_global/
Marco Baille on FB — https://goo.gl/dY85qZ
Jenny ‘Jae Yun Lee’ on FB — https://goo.gl/mUot9s
Saber Lane on FB — https://goo.gl/oF4BXM
Changwoner Entertainment
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youTube – https://goo.gl/SXGHrf
HOLLAND – I’m So Afraid Reaction and Review | HOLLAND Reaction | Holland I’m So Afraid Reaction | Holland Reaction | Holland | holland | 홀랜드 | I’m So Afraid | I’m so afraid | gay k-pop | LGBTQ | kpop | k-pop | MV | music video | Holland music video | Music Video I’m So Afraid | 홀랜드 MV | music video reaction | music video Holland | Korean music | k-pop reaction | kpop reaction | mv reaction | k-pop reaction | kpop review | k-pop review | K-Pop Global | k-pop global | kpop global | kpopglobal
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